Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011

Ax Genrich & The Whole - Live Im Dreikönigskeller 23.1.2011

This is a recording of our gig with former Guru Guru - guitarist Ax Genrich. Having not played together for almost two years, and having never met Ax before, we just jumped the stage and into the cold water. The gig turned out to be fantastic. Ax is a very sweet and descent person, we connected immediately and played like we were old friends. We are looking forward to repeat this experience in autumn.

Grab the Gig here.

The first part of the gig was a 30-minute solo-performance by ax, a video of which you can find here.

stollllllllllle & member

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hai Member, hallo Solle,

eine wirklich ganz tolle Aufnahme. Man hört wie viel Spaß es gemacht hat zu spielen. Ich bedanke mich herzlich. Die Platte bekommt in meinem inzwischen riesigen Archiv einen Ehrenplatz.

Ich grüße euch aus Nordland,
Gwyn Tse

Anonym hat gesagt…

PS: entschuldigung, das 'T' meiner Tastatur funzt manchmal nicht Stolle

adriana hat gesagt…

hello... update the blog! please do not drop
all this music is really amazing
thanks for the kindness to share these gems!

best regards from argentina.